Welcome to my new old-ish personal website that I do almost entirely on Microsoft FrontPage 2002 (XP) on Windows 11 Based on koinuko.pink and my modern site mixed together with 80- 90s code style.

This is the first version of this site, so it doesn't look that great. but I will try to make it better and still works on older web browser and oses too. and if you want to read the whole long story about this site click here. In the meanwhile, enjoy your stay.



Last update (25/05/2024) : Finally!, Finish it.


Update Log. (Modern Browser only.)

The blog is not done atm, but will avaliable soon!



Myself | Every that need to know about me.

About me --- Blog --- Social List --- Scrapbook (Modern Browser Only)

Archive | Everything that I want to keep to myself but also want to be public.

Download --- Spotify/Apple Music Playlist --- Schoolworks

For you | Maybe you will like this.

88x31 Button --- Wallpaper

Collective | Button linking to my other site (yep! that's toonstorytime.me) and other, including original one. and also some Thai site that you should visit. (And mostly require modern browser to browse it.)